Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Classification of social class

-> it involves social ranking of people by economic position, prestige and power.
-> Economic position, determined basically by property ownership and income, is commonly referred to as class position (Social Class). -> A social class is generally taken to be a category of peop
●Social Class
-> Upper Class
- It consists mostly of heads of large corporations, people who have made large amounts of money through investment or real estate, highly successful movie and television stars, a small number of professional athletes.
- Education, family background and social acceptance are important, but the major factor determining membership of this class is property.le who shares a common social position, economic situation and cultural attitudes
●Social Class
-> Middle Class
- It was separated from the upper class by its lack of income-earning property.
- Marxists: non-manual working class.
- It covers from a group of small business people and upper professionals.
- > Working Class
- manual working class (commonly work longer hours).
- sometimes called the lower middle class
- It can be divided into upper (skilled group), and lower (unskilled group).
●Social Class
-> Lower Class
- They are substantially excluded from participation in the economic and social life of the community.
- It consists of the sick and the unemployed group of people.

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