Tuesday, October 21, 2008

philosophy in engineering

Some branches of philosophy:
i. Ontology:
- it is concerned with the fundamental nature of the world and of being, in particular with which principles are primary, what derives from them (materialism; idealis).
ii. Logic
- it is deals with the rules governing reasoning and inference.
iii. Ethics
In a general definition, we can say that:
“ The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts. Philosphy is not a theory but an activity. The result of philosophy is not a number of philosophical propositions but to make propositions clear!
- an investigation into the fundamental principles and concepts that are to be found in a given field of hu
wSome branches of philosophy:
iv. Dialectics:
- it is a method of seeking knowledge by question and answer.
- it seeks to analyze change in terms of contradictions.
v. Epistemology
- it is concerned with the theory of knowledge:
a. Factual knowledge b. Practical knowledge
c. knowledge of people, places and things
vi. Heuristics - they are procedures to discover or design soemthing, “rule of thumb” approaches, but no certainty of successman thought.

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