Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Foods for thought

My fellow citizens, we ae living in uncertain times, the surprise is now after 50 years we have come to this. The main culprits for the cause of this is certainly some of the irresponsible politicians in the ruling coalition. Domocracy is now at its lowest ebb. It looks like even Robert Mugabe is making some adjustments towards the African nation's political landscape.Nowadays the ordinary citizen is much more matured in politics than the seasoned politicians. The word "seasoned politician" must also be defined whether the experienced politician is an asset or liability to nation building because some so called seasoned politicians are from the old school of racial politics.I think divide and rule is of the old school whereas unite and rule is the norm of today's political climate, Many a politicians lame excuse is that we Malaysians are not ready for this kind of political atmosphere.Politicians be aware that you were voted not just for your ideology but every Malaysian hoped for a better future not just for them but for the nation as a whole.

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