Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Child development

Child development refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. Related terms include "developmental psychology", referring to development throughout the lifespan and "pediatrics", the branch of medicine relating to the care of children. Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two.Age-related development terms are: newborn (ages 0–1 month); infant (ages 1 month – 1 year); toddler (ages 1–3 years); preschooler (ages 4–6 years); school-aged child (ages 6–13 years); adolescent (ages 13–18).However, organizations like Zero to Three and the World Association for Infant Mental Health use the term infant as a broad category, including children from birth to age 3, a logical decision considering that the Latin derivation of the word infant refers to those who have no speech, The optimal development of children is considered vital to society and so it is important to understand the social, cognitive, emotional, and educational development of children. Increased research and interest in this field has resulted in new theories and strategies, with specific regard to practice that promotes development within the school system. In addition there are also some theories that seek to describe a sequence of states that comprise child development. cb08047

Jokes for everybody...

Title: I Want to Buy That....A blond goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner.The clerk looks at her and says that he doesn't serve blonds, so she goes back home and dyes her hair black.The next day she returns to the store and asks the same thing, and again, the clerk said he doesn't serve blonds.Frustrated, the blond goes home and dyes her hair yet again, to a shade of red .Sure that a clerk would sell her the TV this time, she returns and asks a different clerk this time.To her astonishment, this clerk also says that she doesn't serve blonds.The blond asks the clerk, "How in the world do you know I am a blond?"The clerk looks at her disgustedly and says,"That's not a TV -- it's a microwave!"

5 Simple Rules to Beat Hunger...

Be Wary of WhiteSuch as white bread (73), bagels (72), Cream of Wheat (70), doughnuts (76) -- just about anything made with white refined flour.-Eat Healthy FatCook with olive and canola oil, snack on nuts, and make sandwiches with cheese, peanut butter or avocados.-Eat FiberThat means whole-grain breads (53), long-grain or brown rice (55), vegetables (most score low), fruit (unsweetened and unjuiced, it's fine).-Snack SmarterSkip jellybeans (80), Skittles (69), Lifesavers (70) in favor of Peanut M&M's (33), Snickers (55), Twix bars (44) or milk chocolate (34).-Think BalanceHaving a baked potato on the side won't hurt if it's served with a salad and salmon. It's the overall score of your meal that counts.


Eggs and Blood SugarIf there's one food that's developed an undeserved reputation over the years for being bad for your health, it's eggs. Let's reveal the realities. Eggs are an excellent, inexpensive source of high-quality protein -- so high, in fact, that egg protein is the gold standard nutritionists use to rank all other proteins. What makes the protein in eggs so superior? It contains all of the essential amino acids (the ones your body can't make on its own) in just the right proportions.Because they're all protein and fat, eggs have no impact on your blood sugar, making them a much better breakfast choice than, say, a stack of white-flour pancakes. And like all protein foods, they may help control your appetite by keeping you full longer. One study found that women who ate two eggs with toast at breakfast felt less hungry before lunch and ate significantly fewer calories during the rest of the day than those who ate a bagel and cream cheese that provided the same number of calories. Now, about eggs and cholesterol. Yes, it's true, eggs have a lot of it -- about 213 milligrams -- all in the yolk. It's also true that if you have diabetes, your heart health should be a top priority. But dozens of studies have found that it's saturated fat, not cholesterol, that has the greatest effect on blood cholesterol, so eating eggs in moderation is just fine. For people with elevated cholesterol or those who are especially sensitive to the cholesterol in foods (for some people, cholesterol levels do rise after eating a cholesterol-rich meal), experts recommend eating no more than three or four egg yolks a week. Egg whites, which contain no cholesterol, don't count. Health BonusEgg yolks are one of the few foods naturally rich in vitamin D, a much-needed vitamin that few of us get enough of. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and has recently been linked with lower risks of various cancers to boot. Eggs are also a surprisingly good source of bone-building vitamin K. Plus, they're loaded with lutein (the chickens get it from their feed), which helps protect against macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in older folks. Eggs also contain choline, a compound that animal studies suggest could help improve your memory as you age. Some studies found that giving extra choline to pregnant rats created better-functioning brain cells in their babies.

Feed your skin

What you put inside your body eventually shows on the outside. More than 100 dermatologists analyzed the skin of about 4,000 women ages 40 to 74. Then they looked at eating habits, weight, history of sun exposure, and whether the women had hit menopause.Anti-aging diet secrets the doctors uncovered:Vitamin C counts. Women with higher C intake, mostly from foods like orange juice, citrus fruits, and tomatoes (as opposed to supplements), had significantly fewer wrinkles. C is key in the formation of collagen, which repairs damage and keeps skin strong and elastic.Linoleic acid is protective. Those who ate plenty of this nutrient had skin that was less dry and fragile. Known to help skin maintain moisture, it's found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, and plant-based oils. Excess carbohydrates and fat speed the aging of skin. Women who consumed more carbs and fat had more wrinkles


It's common to feel frenzied with a busy schedule, but it's possible to enjoy life and thrive with a hectic lifestyle - if it's loaded with good stress, the kind that's energising and motivating. How do you tell good stress from bad?Stress that's goodFacing something with enough excitement to override any fears.Having a filled-to-the-brim schedule that still contains several activities that you look forward to and enjoy doing.Having more commitments that you care about - marriage, motherhood, valued employee and community volunteer.Working towards a valued goal and knowing that life will slow down once you achieve it.Feeling challenged...

Chocolate's secret

Remember that scene in the Woody Allen movie Sleeper in which Woody, who has been frozen for 200 years, wakes up to find that chocolate and banana cream pie are now health foods? Well, it's not so far-fetched.Chocolate is chock full of potent antioxidants called phenols, the same as those found in wine. In fact, a 1.5-ounce chocolate bar has as much antioxidant power as a 5-ounce glass of red wine. (White chocolate, which doesn't contain any cocoa solids, doesn't count.) And contrary to popular belief, chocolate contains only a very small amount of caffeine.More good news: One-third of the fat in chocolate is a cholesterol-friendly fat called stearic acid, and another third is an unsaturated fat called oleic acid. When Pennsylvania researchers (including some from the Mars candy company) had 23 people follow either the average American diet or the same diet supplemented with 22 grams of cocoa powder and 16 grams of dark chocolate, they found that the chocolate diet reduced LDL oxidation. If you're going to indulge:Choose dark. Dark chocolate contains more phenols than other forms of chocolate. Milk chocolate contains milk fat (palmitic acid) that is highly saturated. Semi-sweet chocolate has less fat than milk chocolate.Kill two birds. Dip strawberries into melted chocolate for a high-antioxidant snack that can easily satisfy one or two fruit servings. An easy way to get melted chocolate is to simply microwave semi-sweet chocolate chips on medium for about 30 seconds. Be sure the strawberries are complete dry before you dip.Go for quality. Buy the richest, creamiest chocolate you can afford. You'll be more satisfied with one piece of the good stuff than five pieces of the mediocre stuff.

Laughter for health

Laughter is so common a human experience, we forget how bizarre it is. When aliens first see us laugh, they'll think we're having some sort of fit (and they probably won't get the punch line either). Smith causes the hilarity by talking about his growing forehead: "My hairline is making a beeline for my behind." Those chemicals cascade, bodies convulse, laughter erupts. Smith informs the audience that he's a male nurse: "Some people think it's unusual for a man to be a nurse. But there are male nurses throughout the country. Every once in a while the seven of us get together to talk about things." He teaches a course on humor and medicine at the University of Minnesota and came to this medical conference at Loma Linda University in California to argue that laughter has medical benefits. That notion is at least as old as Proverbs 17, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (which wasn't saying much back then, unless you liked leeches). It's also an idea that some mind-body fanatics, with more enthusiasm than medical proof, have oversold. But in the past few years, a brave group of scientists, fewer in number than male nurses, has been trying to uncover the physiology of laughter and its provable medical benefits. Foremost among these researchers is Loma Linda professor Lee Berk, PhD, who organized the conference Smith addressed and who also stands convulsing in the room. "The jury is still out," says Robert Provine, a University of Maryland professor and author of Laughter: A Scientific Investigation, "and more work needs to be done." But the initial results are very encouraging. All the suggestions are that laughter is indeed good for you. So get those convulsions going and chuckle yourself to health.

5 simple tips to manage your time

Managing Your Time5 simple tips for managing your time better.According to recent data -- and most people's experience --the workweek is expanding and leisure time is evaporating, not only for top-level executives but for the average person as well. Most experts advocate organization as the key to getting a grip on time. They suggest you start by asking what your real goals are for yourself, your family, and your career. With goals established, break your time down into manageable segments.* Use a monthly calendar for short-term scheduling and a 6-month calendar for long-range scheduling. Pencil in all things that pertain to your goals, including classes you want to take (learning a computer program for your job or mastering the piano for fun), regular exercise sessions, social events, and family time.* On a daily action list, categorize tasks: those that need immediate attention (you had better do them yourself), those that can be delegated (you can hire a teenager to mow the lawn or to clean the garage, for example), and those that can be put off. To avoid procrastination, tackle the toughest jobs first, breaking them into smaller, less daunting components.* Free up time for the things you really want to do by simplifying your life. Let go of activities (your third church committee assignment or polishing the car every week, for example) that don't contribute to your goals.* Reduce the waste - and frustration - of everyday delays. Wherever you go, take reading material or a portable player with music you want to hear. Then when you have to wait, you can make good use of or enjoy the time.* Set aside a half-hour toward the end of the day to worry. Psychologist Roland Nathan believes that having a formal worrying time cuts down the amount of worrying you do.

Rain forest

The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around the Earth's equator, is now being recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. Carbon emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories. The rampant slashing and burning of tropical forests is second only to the energy sector as a source of greenhouses gases according to report published today by the Oxford-based Global Canopy Programme, an alliance of leading rainforest scientists.Figures from the GCP, summarising the latest findings from the United Nations, and building on estimates contained in the Stern Report, show deforestation accounts for up to 25 per cent of global emissions of heat-trapping gases, while transport and industry account for 14 per cent each; and aviation makes up only 3 per cent of the total."Tropical forests are the elephant in the living room of climate change," said Andrew Mitchell, the head of the GCP.Scientists say one days' deforestation is equivalent to the carbon footprint of eight million people flying to New York. Reducing those catastrophic emissions can be achieved most quickly and most cheaply by halting the destruction in Brazil, Indonesia, the Congo and elsewhere..In my opinion,the decrease of rainforest are the causes of the climate change...It will be very dangerous if the problem no dissolve,so we must try to solve the problem...

Online bussines

The online business environment is becoming increasingly competitive. Who will survive in the long-run? The smartest, that’s who. The smartest online businesses have an internet strategy to guide their ongoing development and success.If you don’t know where you are going, then any path will get you there. This is an old saying and one that applies equally in the online world as it does anywhere else. You can’t predict the future is another quote I often hear when challenging the merits of strategic planning. I believe this to be true but still believe that any business, on-line or not, can benefit by having a strategy that stands the test of time. Ok let’s look at how we develop an online strategy.Strategy is about winning. It is also about the long-term. So planning to win in a competitive situation is what strategy aims to achieve. So what process do we go through to develop our online strategy?The online world is changing. Every year, more and more people are researching their needs online and are increasingly willing to buy online. So the first step in any strategy development process is to look at the current situation. What does the current competitive environment look like (internal and external) and what challenges do we face? Then develop a focussing question. Focussing questions help to keep the strategy clearly focussed on a particular question. For example, how can we reshape our business to align with the changing needs of customers without driving cist up? This is a focussing question.

Correct way to exercise

Fuel your workout: exercisers who eat before they work out have more energy and stand to burn more fateVERY MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT, in gyms across America, you can hear the sound of a low but persistent rumble. Listen carefully and, in between the whir of the treadmill and the clank of weight plates, your ears will pick it up: the clamor of empty stomachs crying out for food.Some people just don't have time to eat in reasonable proximity to their workout, but others deliberately go without food. "One client told me she believed she'd burn more fat by exercising on an empty stomach," reports Anne-Marie Nocton, RD, a sports nutritionist in Knoxville, Tenn. "Her reasoning was that if no food was available for fuel, her body would tap into its fat reserves."Well, yes ... but there's a whole lot more to the story than that. As it turns out, if your goal is to maximize your workout and get (or maintain) a lean body, eating, not starving, is your best strategy. Here's what you need to know to prevent the empty stomach blues.

Credit card

College students' use of credit cards has recently received increased visibility throughout the media. writing in this Journal, concluded that in addition to credit problems many students do not have a written budget, and of those who do have a budget few young people actually use it. They determined that university students "are vulnerable to financial crisis"The staggering number of credit cards in circulation exemplifies this crisis, as does the number of cards carried by the average student. The increased number and type of credit cards on university campuses has seen an explosive level of growth in the past decade, with most credit card companies targeting college students. The purpose of this paper is to extend the research originally reported by Henry et al. (2001) by reporting findings from a study that was designed to examine college students' credit card use behavior and identify the factors associated with credit attitudes. This research also identifies the factors related to college students' attitudes toward credit cards. Attitude toward credit was assumed to be explained with demographic characteristics, socioeconomic characteristics, background factors, and psychological factors.Nowaday,the college student who are using credit card are very common issue.And it is very serious cases if there are not control.

Greenhouse gas

The first evidence that millions of tons of a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere from beneath the Arctic seabed has been discovered by scientists.The Independent has been passed details of preliminary findings suggesting that massive deposits of sub-sea methane are bubbling to the surface as the Arctic region becomes warmer and its ice retreats.Underground stores of methane are important because scientists believe their sudden release has in the past been responsible for rapid increases in global temperatures, dramatic changes to the climate, and even the mass extinction of species. Scientists aboard a research ship that has sailed the entire length of Russia's northern coast have discovered intense concentrations of methane – sometimes at up to 100 times background levels – over several areas covering thousands of square miles of the Siberian continental shelf.They have warned that this is likely to be linked with the rapid warming that the region has experienced in recent years.We need to take action to protect our earth.

Parents mistake

I hate it when parents say that teachers are lazy and do not put all their heart in their work.As a student myself, who used to sit in front of the teacher's desk, I knew very well how hard is it to be a teacher. Why? Because teacher always ask me to help them in their works. Among their jobs is:1. planning the lesson 2. marking students' homework and exam papers3. collecting school fees.4. setting the school exams5. As club advisor.6. maintaining students' discipline7. writing receipts.8. meeting parents at least once a year.9.writing marks in report card.10. taking attendanceIt may seem easy. BUT remember teachers not only teaches one class, especially nowadays students outnumbered the educators. Besides that the syllabus is also too much to cover. So I'm very grateful to those dedicated teachers in my secondary school.


Humanity must urgently embark on a massive programme to power civilisation from wood to stave off catastrophic climate change, one of the world's top scientists has told The Independent on Sunday.Twenty years ago, Professor James Hansen was the first leading scientist to announce that global warming was taking place. Now he has issued a warning that a back-to-the-future return to one of the oldest fuels is imperative because the world has exceeded the danger level for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Growing trees, which absorb the gas from the air as they grow, burning them instead of fossil fuels to generate electricity, and capturing and storing the carbon produced in the process is needed to get the greenhouse effect down to safe levels, he says.

Medical drugs

Medical drugs have long been suspect since the disaster of thalidomide almost 50 years ago. But now researchers have discovered that even the humble, and ubiquitous, antibiotic may pose a risk. In the largest study of premature labour in the world, researchers from the University of Leicester have found that in women whose waters had not yet broken, there was an increase in the incidence of cerebral palsy and other problems such as poor eyesight, among those given antibiotics.The message is complex, but it is critical that it is understood. Antibiotics are vital to treat infection in pregnancy, which can kill mothers and babies. But they must not be used on a "just in case" basis, where there is no sign – or risk – of infection, as they too often are.


Practicing Patience for those in Recovery can make a difference. Practicing Patience is part of the Daily Homework.Practice patience daily! Remember that you are doing the best you can. At the moment that we do anything we do the best that we can. When you know more, you will do things differently. Remember to also do this in regards to others too.Practicing patience is about acceptance. Acceptance of yourself. It is about accepting where you are and also, where you are not. We are doing the best that we can at any moment of our life. When we act or do something we are doing the best that we are capable of at that moment. While we may want to do things differently in the future and will do so with learning, accepting that we are doing the best at any moment allows us to avoid the harm created by guilt and as a result to begin to transform our life. Furthermore, it is very liberating and freeing to practice patience with another person. They too are doing the best that they can, at any moment. Accepting that other people are doing the best that they can at any one moment allows us to not only connect with that person as to purpose in life but enable us to give up frustration and even anger towards them. With patience we can begin to transform our life through accepting another for who they are and who they are not.


We should initiate gotong royong efforts throughout Malaysia to counter pollution, particularly in rivers. It is common knowledge that rivers provide us with a host of services such as drinking water, washing of clothes, transportation and a source of play, especially at waterfalls.In recent news we often hear of rivers having been polluted with toxic wastes and indiscriminate dumping of rubbish. Awareness among the public is poor and rivers often end up clogged, dirty and unfit for consumption or even the occasional dip.One way is to bring together activists and environment conscious people who will conduct gotong royong activities through active participation among the public. Volunteer work is probably needed to ensure the success of such a good effort.

Foods for thought

My fellow citizens, we ae living in uncertain times, the surprise is now after 50 years we have come to this. The main culprits for the cause of this is certainly some of the irresponsible politicians in the ruling coalition. Domocracy is now at its lowest ebb. It looks like even Robert Mugabe is making some adjustments towards the African nation's political landscape.Nowadays the ordinary citizen is much more matured in politics than the seasoned politicians. The word "seasoned politician" must also be defined whether the experienced politician is an asset or liability to nation building because some so called seasoned politicians are from the old school of racial politics.I think divide and rule is of the old school whereas unite and rule is the norm of today's political climate, Many a politicians lame excuse is that we Malaysians are not ready for this kind of political atmosphere.Politicians be aware that you were voted not just for your ideology but every Malaysian hoped for a better future not just for them but for the nation as a whole.

Dwarf people

You don’t often see them, but you can’t help but stare when you do. They’re cute, often funny and tiny.When a little person (a.k.a. dwarf) walks past, most people go, “Ooh, so cute!” The natural reaction that follows is to giggle — hopefully without coming across as mean.Apart from their height, most are no different from the average person.Because society tends to jeer and sneer at them, little people often don’t like to mingle, preferring to keep to their own kind.In Malaysia, any male below 4’ 8” (1.5m) and females below 4’ 6” (1.4m) are considered little people and categorised under Orang Kurang Upaya (handicapped), making them eligible for welfare aid. They have to get verification from a doctor to become a member of PKOKM.Finally..there say..“We’re normal, like you, but special like every individual.”


Many experts believe that the burning of fossil fuels and pollutants, a dire consequence of industrialization, causes Global Warming. Others believe that global warming is just a natural cycle of the planet. Regardless of cause, the higher temperatures caused by global warning have serious consequences: drought, disease, and floods, lost ecosystems. Unnaturally hot weather and rising sea levels indicate that global warming is no longer just a theory.We should protect our planet by doing environmental planning...We can plant more trees,stop burning,stop cutting trees,etc...


Reuse, recycle, remodel: environmentally friendly materials and techniques are changing the way we build in the West. Resource- and environmentally friendly building--also known as green building--is gaining popularity in the West. Now even the commonest materials such as carpet and paint have green options and are being competitively priced.Green building is about reducing environmental impact, whether in remodeling a home or planning a community. It's everything from energy-efficient and health-conscious design to using salvaged materials.I think that someone can saved their money buying recycled products.Besides,it also heip us provides the greatest energy and resource savings.


The winter holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, New Years Eve and New Years Day - are typically filled with busy calendars, family visits, parties, shopping and travel. For many people, these holidays are festive and represent a welcome break from their regular activities and work obligations. However, not everyone finds joy in sharing yuletide cheer, laughter, and food with loved ones. In fact, many experts say that problems like anxiety, stress, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, suicide and domestic violence increase during the holidays.To avoid these cases happen,i suggest someone can go traveling with family and friends during the holidays because it is the key of preparation to a happier,stress-free journey...so enjoy your holiday...

My presentation

I did my 1st induvidual presentation in my class. I felt very nervous and uneasy when came infront of the stage. Finally, i could managed my talk successfully. I still have to improve my skills and i really thank to my lecturer who gave my a lot of advices.

I gave a talk about Mahatma Gandhi. I choosed him for my presentation because i really influent by his principles. He always try to make him simple because he said that, we will feel satisfy with our life when we screw our head with simplicity. He believe that, all the relligions are equal and he changed the concept from God is truth to truth is God. He always fight for truth eventough passed through a lot of difficulities and willing to die for truth. Gandhi always emphazise "ahimsa" which means that non violence. I really impressed with his way against Britsh whereby he did not approach violence to get freedom.

His principles are very important message for us to have a peace and happy life. Hopefully you all enjoy my presentation and grab some important messages............


Mohandas Karamchant Gandhi well known as Mahatma Gandhi was the important person in the history of India. He is officially honoured in India as a Father of Nation. He was a major political and spiritual leader of India who fight for the India's independence .

At the age of 13, he married to Kasturba, who was also the same age. For a boy of that age marriage meant only a round of feasts, new clothes to wear and a strange and docile companion to play with. His children names are Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, Devdas.

He fight for non-violent civil disobedience such as protesting excessive land-tax and discrimination on poor people, expanding women's rights, building religious and ethnic amity.
He became a leader of Indian Congress reject the proposals of British Cabinet Mission. He was the pioneer of "Satyagraha" concept was non violent resistance againts British. He had salt march around 400km against tax on salt and emphasize all Indians in public boycott courts law and withdraw their children from government school. After that, India quit from world war two and achieve independence on 1948. Finally, hard working of Gandhi and his followers India became a non-cooperation, non violence and peaceful country.


Any of heard about digital jewelry before? Today i going to introduce my new selection. Digital Jewelry is a electronic device such as mini computers, cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and GPS receivers which is used as fashionable jewelry yet functional as electronic connecting device. We just need to wear it, the jewelry can be a watch or even rings. Digital Jewelry is an idea created from the combination of shrinking computer devices and increasing computer power used as fashion jewelry with embedded intelligence. The major component of digital jewelry is computer electronic device. The minor components are transistors on a microchip which is used to produce the computer gadget in the jewelry. This creation really amazing me and i hopefully that you all know this kind of amazing things.........

The Can and Grommet - ibutton

An iButton uses its stainless steel 'can' as an electronic communications interface. Each can has a data contact, called the 'lid', and a ground contact, called the 'base'. Each of these contacts is connected to the silicon chip inside. The lid is the top of the can; the base forms the sides and the bottom of the can and includes a flange to simplify attaching the button to just about anything. The two contacts are separated by a polypropylene grommet. The silicon chip within the iButton is protected by the ultimate durable material: stainless steel. We can drop an iButton, step on it, or scratch it. The iButton is wear-tested for 10-year durability.

Java ring

I am going to discuss about the major and minor parts of The Java Ring. The Java Ring is made of stainless-steel, 16-millimeters (0.6 inches) in diameter, that houses a 1-million-transistor processor, called an iButton. The ring has 134 KB of RAM, 32 KB of ROM, a real-time clock and a Java virtual machine, which is a piece of software that recognizes the Java language and translates it for the user's computer system. It is a computerized ring that will automatically unlock doors and log on to computers. The major component of this ring is iButton. The iButton is a computer chip enclosed in a 16mm thick stainless steel can. Because of this unique and durable container, up-to-date information can travel with a person or object anywhere they go.

Java ring

I am going to discuss about the major and minor parts of The Java Ring. The Java Ring is made of stainless-steel, 16-millimeters (0.6 inches) in diameter, that houses a 1-million-transistor processor, called an iButton. The ring has 134 KB of RAM, 32 KB of ROM, a real-time clock and a Java virtual machine, which is a piece of software that recognizes the Java language and translates it for the user's computer system. It is a computerized ring that will automatically unlock doors and log on to computers. The major component of this ring is iButton. The iButton is a computer chip enclosed in a 16mm thick stainless steel can. Because of this unique and durable container, up-to-date information can travel with a person or object anywhere they go. The steel iButton can be mounted

Summarizing How The Gadget Function

It seems that everything we access today is under lock and key. Even the devices we use are protected by passwords. It can be frustrating trying to keep with all of the passwords and keys needed to access any door or computer program. The Java Rings have been programmed to store electronic cash to pay for lunches, automatically unlock doors, take attendance, store a student's medical information and allow students to check out books. All of this information is stored on the ring's iButton. Students simply press the signet of their Java Ring against the Blue Dot receptor, and the system connected to the receptor performs the function that the applet instructs it to. In the future, the Java Ring may start our car. Mobile computing is beginning to break the chains that tie us to our desks, but many of today's mobile devices can still be a bit awkward to carry around. In the next age of computing, we will see an explosion of computer parts across our bodies, rather than across our desktops. Digital jewelry, designed to supplement the personal computer, will be the evolution in digital technology that makes computer elements entirely compatible with the human form................

The Role of A Chemical Engineer

The two primary functions of the Chemical Engineer are:
1. to develop and design processes that convert raw materials and basic energy sources into desired chemical products
2. to improve and operate existing processes so that they become as safe, reliable, efficient and economical as possible. Design function involves:
1. the synthesis of appropriate sequences of chemical and physical transformation steps
2. the selection of the conditions under which these transformations are to take place.
wThe resposibilities of Chem Eng-designer are:
1. begins with the basic chemical and physical information developed by chemists on a laboratory scale
2. concludes with the specifications of equipment for a full-scale plant.
The duties of the Chem Eng in an existing plant include:
1. identifying and correcting malfunctions in the process.
2. improving operating schedules and procedures.
3. finding ways of increasing plant safety or reliability.
4. selecting new operating conditions to accommodate changes in feed, product or unit performance.formation given: chemical reactions & physical prop.

10 Basic Values

1. Honesty – our duty to tell the truth
2. Legality – our duty to obey the law
3. Privacy – our duty to respect the rights of others
4. Quality – our duty to provide quality products and services that will best serve the end user
5. Teamwork – our duty to work together to meet mutual objectives
6. Avoiding conflict of interest – our duty to loyal and to observe fair play
7. Cultural sensitivity – our duty to reflect the growing diversity of the workplace in our technical communication
8. Social responsibility – our duty to preserve and protect the public good.
9. Professional growth – our duty to maintain and develop our skills
10. Advancing the profession – our duty to respect and assist our colleagues and enhance the reputation of our profession.

Communicating As A Professional

In general, letters are formal documents, reserved mainly correspondence between individuals or between an organization and individual
Letters play an important role in getting the work done because they:
1. provide information
2. encourage action
3. influence people

Memos and Electronic Mail
To encourage action page. and serve as its collective memory, organizations rely on three forms of mail, in addition to letters:
1. Memos 2. Voice-mail
3. Electronic mail (e-mail)
Memos meet many of the purposes of letters in making and responding to requests and maintaining relationships.
Memos should be brief, preferably no more than one create a permanent record
Oral Presentations
In a persuasive presentation, you might
➔Defend your company's logging practices to a public environmental oversight committee.
➔Show how your proposed solution to a problem is better than your competitor's.
➔Urge employee compliance with a new safety policy.


An important branch of engineering to emerge since the 1960s is bioengineering.
It reflects the emergence of biology as a foundation science, with physics and chemistry.
In general, it focuses on the area of biology and medicine as basis.
➔Biomaterials, Biomedical Imaging Systems, Biomedical Sensors, Bioinstrumentation, Computational Biology, Biomechanics, Tissue Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Bioprocess, Neurobiology

Engineering Environment

➔At times, an engineer does work alone, but most of the time, engineers must interface with individuals who come from a wide variety of educational background.
➔An engineer must learn the languages of physicists, mathematicians, chemists, managers, technicians, lawyers, marketing staff and secretaries.
➔So, an e
➔Good products and services result from good quality processes as well as team-working among the people.
➔Nowadays, the best practice system in many modern organization involves specifying a mission and vision statement in which it will encourage people to contribute those mission and vision into specific action.
➔So, the best quality of engineer is to be able to improve the system rather than reactive to the errors and problems.
➔To be successful, an engineer must acquire knowledge as well as technical skills of the latest technology.
➔However, the main challenge here is to bring the technology and management aspect as together as to meet the customer's expectation.
➔So, an engineer must be good in balancing between the technology and the marketing as well as financial factor. ngineer must be good in organization, communication and documentation.

What are the characteristics to be an entrepreneur engineers?

➔There is a wide range of functions or activities in which engineers may be involved.
➔Engineers can be involved in some of these functions and sometimes could perform all of them:
➔These functions include:
1. research 5. construction
2. development 6. operation
3. design 7. sales
4. pro
●It involves seeking new knowledge or a better understanding of the significance and relationship of facts already known.
➔ Development
●It involves making the discoveries and results of research available in the form of useful products, methods or processes.
●It is the industrial process by which products are manufactured from raw materials.
➔ Construction
●It is the process of translating designs and materials into structures and facilities such as buildings, highways and power/plant/communication facilities.
➔ Operations
●In engineering, it means the application of engineering principles or the performance of practical work.
➔ Design
●It is the process of converting concepts and information into detailed plans and specifications from which a finished product or facility can be manufactured or constructed.duction
●In technological industries often requires the services of trained engineers to recommend the machines, tools, parts, or services to best serve the customer's needs.
➔ Management
●They are responsible for the solution of organization problems of policy, finance, public relation and sales.
●They also have responsibility for the selection and supervision of personnel, the coordination of research and development as well as production.

philosophy in engineering

Some branches of philosophy:
i. Ontology:
- it is concerned with the fundamental nature of the world and of being, in particular with which principles are primary, what derives from them (materialism; idealis).
ii. Logic
- it is deals with the rules governing reasoning and inference.
iii. Ethics
In a general definition, we can say that:
“ The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts. Philosphy is not a theory but an activity. The result of philosophy is not a number of philosophical propositions but to make propositions clear!
- an investigation into the fundamental principles and concepts that are to be found in a given field of hu
wSome branches of philosophy:
iv. Dialectics:
- it is a method of seeking knowledge by question and answer.
- it seeks to analyze change in terms of contradictions.
v. Epistemology
- it is concerned with the theory of knowledge:
a. Factual knowledge b. Practical knowledge
c. knowledge of people, places and things
vi. Heuristics - they are procedures to discover or design soemthing, “rule of thumb” approaches, but no certainty of successman thought.

Classification of social class

-> it involves social ranking of people by economic position, prestige and power.
-> Economic position, determined basically by property ownership and income, is commonly referred to as class position (Social Class). -> A social class is generally taken to be a category of peop
●Social Class
-> Upper Class
- It consists mostly of heads of large corporations, people who have made large amounts of money through investment or real estate, highly successful movie and television stars, a small number of professional athletes.
- Education, family background and social acceptance are important, but the major factor determining membership of this class is property.le who shares a common social position, economic situation and cultural attitudes
●Social Class
-> Middle Class
- It was separated from the upper class by its lack of income-earning property.
- Marxists: non-manual working class.
- It covers from a group of small business people and upper professionals.
- > Working Class
- manual working class (commonly work longer hours).
- sometimes called the lower middle class
- It can be divided into upper (skilled group), and lower (unskilled group).
●Social Class
-> Lower Class
- They are substantially excluded from participation in the economic and social life of the community.
- It consists of the sick and the unemployed group of people.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What is technology

What is Technology?

Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants. Most people, however, think of technology in terms of its artifacts: computers and software, aircraft, pesticides, water-treatment plants, birth-control pills, and microwave ovens, to name a few. But technology is more than these tangible products. Technology includes all of the infrastructure necessary for the design, manufacture, operation, and repair of technological artifacts, from corporate headquarters and engineering schools to manufacturing plants and maintenance facilities. The knowledge and processes used to create and to operate technological artifacts -- engineering know-how, manufacturing expertise, and various technical skills -- are equally important part of technology. Technology is a product of engineering and science, the study of the natural world. Science has two parts: (1) a body of knowledge that has been accumulated over time and (2) a process-scientific inquiry-that generates knowledge about the natural world. Engineering, too, consists of a body of knowledge-in this case knowledge of the design and creation of human-made products-and a process for solving problems. Science aims to understand the "why" and "how" of nature, engineering seeks to shape the natural world to meet human needs and wants. Engineering, therefore, could be called "design under constraint," with science-the laws of nature-being one of a number of limiting factors engineers must take into account. Other constraints include cost, reliability, safety, environmental impact, ease of use, available human and material resources, manufacturability, government regulations, laws, and even politics. In short, technology necessarily involves science and engineering.

History of XYZ hose

Anhydrous Ammonia Hose
1978- XYZ and farmers' cooperatives sued by several end users
present: for field accidents apparently caused by rupture of anhydrous ammonia hose AAH #1 in the field under normal use.
1982: XYZ Hose Company commences stamping hoses with warning labels that hose should not be used beyond 30 months. This warning commonly disregarded by end users.
1983: XYZ discontinues manufacture of anhydrous ammonia hose AAH #1.
1987: XYZ negotiates an out-of-court settlement with farmer Bob Smith in the amount of $1,400,000.
1988: XYZ places buy-back offer in Farmers' Cooperative Magazine, noting that all XYZ AAH #1 anhydrous ammonia hose should be returned at once because the product is outdated. XYZ receives over 500,000 feet of hose, some dating back as far as the 1950's, when XYZ produced hoses using nylon and polyester as the reinforcing material.
1991: XYZ negotiates one-half of an out-of-court settlement with farmer Tom Jones in the amount of $125,000. The remaining one-half of the settlement paid to Jones by the DEF Farmers' Cooperative.


Influenza or flu is a contagious disease caused by the influenza virus. There are 3 types of influenza virus, namely A, B and C. All types can infect human. Influenza virus A is the most dangerous because it can infect both human and animal. It can mutate to produce a new novel influenza virus that can cause epidemic and pandemic outbreak. The influenza virus can spread through droplets from the mouth and nose when speaking, sneezing or coughing. The virus then enters the body through the respiratory tract. There are many steps to prevent spreading of the influenza virus. Such as, cover nose and mouth while sneezing. Wash your hands with soap and clean water each time after coughing or sneezing.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

the pearl

this novel is one of the masterpiece...it shows a lot of family values...thank you